We've read every board book in our house. We've pushed shapes through the shape sorter approximately 174 times. We've made multiple pots of homemade chicken soup. We made playdough. We fingerpainted, and have the carpet stains to prove it. We have run through the "Baby Music" playlist to the point that Hannah is beginning to know songs by heart. I took naps. A walk around the block was the outing for the day for several days in a row.
As a working mom, I delight in extra time with my babe. If I had my way, though, our extra time would be spent out with friends, at the park, at the Zoo, or using our new membership to the Children's Museum. We would not be stuck in our one bedroom apartment the whole time.
The antsy-ness I feel when cooped up for days is a testament to my usually frantic nature. I multitask at a frequency that far exceeds anything that could be considered normal throughout each moment of each day of my normal week. On the weekends, when the weather is not making national news, I'm out and about doing something every second that I can. There is always a shape to the day, somewhere to be, something to do.
Today I went to yoga, sweet relief from cabin fever. Hannah and I went to the library, the grocery store and to get a copy of her birth certificate. It was nice to be out of the house, yes, but I found myself quickly yearning for the warmth and comfort of home as an antidote to the busyness - and currently, the knee deep slush - of the city.
Monday morning will come, and with it, a return to a challenging, rewarding and tiring routine. I hope that I can find the shapelessness, presence and stillness of a snow day when it feels like life is moving way too fast.
ReplyDeleteThis is all so, so true! I consistently whine and wish I had more time with my daughter... but when this week's snowpacolypse hit, I experienced a ton of guilt for "not using my time wisely."
Perhaps it's time to be a little kinder to myself, to realize that sitting on the floor and playing with the ring stacker (for a mind-numbing forty minutes) actually IS using my time wisely!